GrandCare Systems (GC) and AllHealth CHOICE (AHC) announced at the Louisville Innovation Summit that they have formed a strategic alliance for AllHealth CHOICE’s exclusive integration of CHARLIE, a GrandCare technology, in its innovative virtual caregiving and care management service. CHARLIE was designed to enable the elderly, chronically-ill, and disabled population to remain independent, healthy, and safe at home.
Leveraging CHARLIE, AllHealth CHOICE integrates the latest in remote activity of daily living monitoring, telehealth, socialization, patient engagement, and care coordination technologies into one comprehensive service combined with dedicated care managers and navigators.
AllHealth CHOICE, powered by CHARLIE, offers true patient-centered care management. The result is improved patient care and better patient outcomes. This innovative approach proactively reduces critical events and hospital re/admissions by transmitting red flag and preventative information to medical providers, the care manager, family members and loved ones. The integration of CHARLIE, tailored care management, and increased patient engagement is demonstrating improved results. One healthcare provider saw the use of CHARLIE resulting in a whopping 60% reduction in hospital re/admissions and ER visits.
“For more than a decade, GrandCare has worked to develop a comprehensive, patient-centered technology to improve care for individuals in their own homes,” saidGrandCare founder and CEO, Charlie Hillman. “We are delighted to partner withAllHealth CHOICE who truly have the vision, an established process and the clinical expertise to make cost-effective virtual care a reality.”
“AllHealth has successfully and seamlessly integrated a professional and compassionate care management team with a proven point-of-care GrandCaretechnology, CHARLIE,” said AllHealth CHOICE CEO, Sabrina Patterson. “We are offering our flagship product, CHARLIE, to help patients and providers achieve better outcomes at a more affordable price.”
AllHealth’s care management team creates an individualized care plan and then customizes CHARLIE to specifically meet the patient’s needs. CHARLIE senses changes in monitoring patterns, health vitals, and alerts the care manager as well as any other designated individuals such as the healthcare provider or family member for immediate and early intervention.
AllHealthCHOICE showcased CHARLIE and the AHC care management approach at the Louisville Innovation Summit in the Senior Cyborgs: The Rise of Digital Health panel on Monday October 10th, at 2:15pm.