GBUAHN is the first health organization in WNY to utilize Tyto Care’s cutting-edge solution for remote chronic care management
The Greater Buffalo United Accountable Healthcare Network (GBUAHN), a Medicaid health home specializing in care coordination, has entered into a partnership with Tyto Care, an innovative telehealth company enabling live telehealth visits and comprehensive medical examinations anytime, anywhere. GBUAHN will be implementing Tyto Care’s telehealth platform and examination tools with their patient health navigators (PHNs) for use during in-home visits.
With over one third of New York residents on Medicaid or other government-funded health insurance plans, the demand for accessible, high-quality health care is at an all-time high. To meet these challenges through innovation, GBUAHN is offering Tyto Care’s solution to its members. The solution includes a portable, hand-held examination device and telehealth platform that enables doctors to remotely examine a patient’s heart, lungs, skin, ears, and throat, and measure blood pressure, oxygen levels, and body temperature. PHNs can use the TytoCare solution to assist patients in performing a remote “exam and forward” offline telehealth session, or to connect with a physician in real-time for a live telehealth visit.
“GBUAHN is thrilled to be the first health care company in Western New York to utilize the Tyto Care equipment and platform,” said Raul Vazquez, M.D., chief executive officer of G-Health Enterprises. “Now our PHNs have the ability to assist physicians remotely utilizing the Tyto devices. Many of our members have transportation, child care, and other concerns and this telehealth system makes it convenient and comfortable for patients to see their doctors. Once again, GBUAHN is on the cutting edge of technology in the health care field.”
Chosen for its high-quality exam capabilities and easy-to-use interface, the Tyto solution will also be used by GBUAHN’s PHNs for scheduled and acute care visits. This will enable the health care network to virtually manage chronically ill patients, including those with multiple health conditions. The Tyto solution can remotely diagnose acute care situations such as cold and flu, cough, ear infections, rashes, stomach issues, and non-urgent bumps and bruises. Tyto can help reduce emergency room visits, keep patients healthier to avoid in-patient hospitalization, and eliminate transportation as a barrier to health care access.
“We are thrilled to be chosen by the Greater Buffalo United Accountable Healthcare Network, who shares our vision of enhancing community health and wellness by improving primary care access, for their entrance into telehealth,” said Dedi Gilad, CEO and co-founder of Tyto Care. “Tyto will enable GBAUHN to empower its patient health navigators and specialists on house calls to Medicaid recipients, one of the most vulnerable populations in the United States. Those who suffer from conditions that make getting to the doctor challenging will now have unprecedented access to specialists from the comfort of their homes.”
About The Greater Buffalo United Accountable Healthcare Network (GBUAHN)
The Greater Buffalo United Accountable Healthcare Network (GBUAHN) is a health home established under the Affordable Care Act of 2010. Health homes coordinate care for people with Medicaid who have chronic health conditions or who are at risk for developing chronic health conditions. Each person who joins is assigned a patient health navigator (PHN). A PHN works closely with the patient to get him/her the services he/she needs in the community.
GBUAHN’s mission is to remove the barriers created by social determinants in underserved communities.