Emotional and spiritual resources for those living with cancer
FindCenter, the world’s largest, most diverse, and usable repository of wisdom, announces the launch of a new section of its site specifically for those living with cancer.
“Our goal is to make the best content easily available, for free, to anyone who is facing challenging life situations,” says longtime tech entrepreneur and FindCenter CEO Neal Goldman. Caroline Pincus, FindCenter’s Director of Content, offers, “I have seen too often how frightening and lonely the cancer experience can be. Our medical system may be able to treat the disease, but what about the emotions? We wanted to create a place where people can find empathy, connection, perspective, support, and emotional and spiritual nourishment at any time of day or night.”
On this new section of the site, users will find powerful collections of curated content (podcasts, articles, videos, and more) on subjects such as handling all the changes—within their bodies as well as in social and professional identity—parenting while ill, sex and intimacy, facing mortality, and simply making sense of life after diagnosis.
Nearly 17 million people in the U.S. alone are living with cancer, not including the over 50 million family members and friends whose lives are also reshaped by the experience. While many other reputable sites provide information on treatments and side effects and such, FindCenter offers resources to support the cancer journey.
Other life-defining “identities” currently offered on FindCenter include athletes and mothers. Forthcoming identity paths will include Burnt Out, Creative, Entrepreneur, Person of Color, LGBTQIA, Living with a Disability, Creative, Activist, Caregiver, Man, Woman, Veteran, Lonely, Angry, and many, many more.